We give glory to God for the free access we have before God, as we already know, after Adam had disobeyed the divine law, the whole world fell under the curse of sin and that made us have a total fall and that we be far from God. And glory we give to God again, for His Son, since He died for us on the cross and that makes us pleasing before God and we can look for Him every moment, every second, without making animal sacrifices, among many other cults that the people of Israel did.
The Bible says:
7 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
8 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
Matthew 7:7-8
These verses are a great sign of the Father’s love for us, that being evil and separated from God by the sin of Adam, now He picks us up in His arms, He listens to us, we can go to Him, we can knock on the door and He does not take long to open it, we can call Him without having to make an appointment, He is always there to help and protect us at every moment, and thank God for that wonderful love He has for us.
Finally friends, something very important that we must also understand about this is that just as God loves us and listens to us being evil and fallen people by nature, in the same way we have to love those people who we feel that they deserve it.
God is with us and is always ready for His children. Never forget the great love that the Father has had for His creatures.