Every day of our lives we must thank God for His answers to us, because He has never forgotten His children, but He answers them even in their most difficult moments.
God has never left the righteous forsaken, has not forgotten the beggar, the widow, the naked, or the blind, He will always be present. Remember something very important, we must be patient, because God never arrives late, because He is always around us.
For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.
Psalm 86:5
Praise the Lord all the inhabitants of the earth, give glory and honor to the Almighty, because God is good to all of us. His mercies are with all who humble themselves and acclaim His name for all ages.
The greatness of the Lord surrounds us, we are freed by His mercy, day and night we see His great goodness in each of our lives. God is faithful and true, He never fails, although sometimes we despair and say, Where is God? But the Lord is always aware of us.
Give ear, O Lord, unto my prayer; and attend to the voice of my supplications.
Psalm 86:6
Many people make the mistake of saying that God never listens to them, but all of us who trust in the Lord know that God does listen to us, what happens is that since something happens to us, we want to ask God for demands. But, remember that we can not be giving orders to God, as if God were our puppet. God is God and He responds when He considers it necessary.
In the day of my trouble I will call upon thee: for thou wilt answer me.
Psalm 86:7
It is good that we continue to trust in the Lord, as well as the psalmist David, who trusted in God, He knew that the Lord responded to him in his moments of anguish, so it is good that we continue believing faithfully in the Lord and He will do it.