All things are possible to that who believeth

Believing in God is not simply saying it out of the mouth, but demonstrating with our heart that we really believe in Him, and that everything will be possible if we trust in God.

Many people say “I believe” and “everything will be possible”, but when problems and difficulties come to their life, that same person who said “I believe” appears with doubts. And it is as I said before, it is not simply saying it out of the mouth, but acting with our facts having faith that God will do it.

Jesus said unto him, if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

Mark 9:23

In the course of Jesus giving His sermons, people came from all over, some were blind, others were dumb, demon-possessed, lepers, etc. These people followed the Master because they knew they had a hope of being healed by Jesus, and that is why they received their miracles because they had faith in the Lord, there were many who really only wanted the miracle, but not the miracle worker .

Jesus speaks to His disciples telling them that everything will be possible, we know that the disciples even in front of the Almighty doubted, even when He rose again they did not believe, but not only did they doubt the Lord, but in this time the same thing happens with people, some believe and others do not.

Remember that nothing is impossible for God, sometimes we ask God, but how do we do it? Are we believing when we ask? Because it’s not just asking. It is to believe in Him who can do everything and that if we do it from the heart everything will be possible.

And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.

Mark 9:24

When Jesus came to the demoniac, He told the boy’s father: “If you believe, everything will be possible”, because “all things are possible to him that believeth”, and the young man was free. The father of the young man said a key word: “I believe.” This man believed and so it was, His son was cured of that which tormented Him.

Believe in the Lord, and He will bring liberation to your life, peace, love, heal your wounds, when you are afflicted He will give you words of encouragement, and He will be your sustenance.

The Lord bless you and keep you
Alone with God