I’ll be there praising God

Because I want to be there that great day, praising and glorifying the Name of the Lord, raising my hands before Him and pronouncing that He is King of kings and Lord of lords.

For all His saints, because this must be the greatest desire and joy, to be able to be before the throne on that great day, that is why we must have a pleasant and firm life before the great Almighty, because only for Him will we be there on that great and wonderful day. God help us.

Powerful words were heard by this man of God named John. Words came out of that great and majestic throne of the Lord, saying:

And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great.

Revelation 19:5

Praise the Lord all peoples, tribes and nations, praise His holy Name. These words make it very clear to us that we should long to be on that great day.

How nice it will be when you are called by your name, to be able to hear that voice pronounced that you are welcome and blessed on this great day. Be the Lord exalted forever.

Brothers, let us seek your paths with righteousness, let us wish that we could be praising and glorifying His Name. God help us every day to be people who seek his presence and that on that day we can be praising his Name.

The time is near
God in His wrath distributes pain to the wicked

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