I have lost everything for Christ

We all remember the apostle Paul, the man formerly called Saul who persecuted the church to death, a man with many academic degrees, educated at the feet of the most prominent teacher of the time called Gamaliel, besides all this he was a Pharisee and was a Man too important at that time, however, there is nothing impossible for God and when our Lord has a plan with someone no matter who he is, He fulfills it because He fulfills it.

Even Paul, being all that we have mentioned before, God makes him a faithful follower of Jesus, and already that Saul of Tarsus has to stop persecuting the church because he now understands the divine purpose in the church of Christ.

The apostle Paul wrote to the Philippians:

7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.

8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,

Philippians  3:7-8

In the verses that precede those we quoted above, Paul basically gives the Philippians a resume of who he was, and then tells them that he does not miss his old way of life, letting them know that what was gain form him, what he put on the top of popularity, everything that led him to fame, now he has rejected it for the love of Christ. How many things have we rejected for love of Christ? I am sure that many things, since Christianity is also based on a daily denial, on taking our cross every day.

Beloved brothers, let us never speak of the past as if we missed it, since everything we have stopped doing brings us closer to the love of Christ, and I guarantee that at the end of all this we will have a great reward and it is our reward in the Heavens.

Finally, the apostle says that everything has all that as rubbish in order to earn the excellence of the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Friends, if we have not rejected certain things in our Christian life, it is time for us to do so, and let’s raise the banner of the gospel and live for God every moment of our lives, because there is no greater reward than the kingdom of heaven.

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3 comments on “I have lost everything for Christ

  1. I have lost everything for Christ
    All things we must possess in this life really are of few importance for us, since all of them shall be finished and nothing remains forever here. We ourselves go through this world and after it, we will be gone: for all people will die soon or later.

    We hope for an eternal life which never finishes in the presence of God, where our Master and redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, is.

    What value is there in all things we have here—which are worth so much in our opinion—,if we are not able to carry them with us anywhere or enjoy them when our life here is finished?
    The knowledge of Jesus Christ is a more worthy possession, and his love and promises are much better than any other material thing:
    He has words of everlasting life.

    The kingdom of God shall remain forever. The Lord Jesus Christ has promised us a place of happiness in the heavens and that is much better. These are words of the apostle Paul:

    “Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ” (Philippians 3:8)

    These are wise people: those that deserve everlasting life in Christ, those who choose to reject all of this earth’s material things rather than abandoning and despising the person of Jesus, the Lord, who loves them and has made them perfect, so they can be in heaven in that day.

    May our Lord Jesus Christ make us hold on to resist, and remain faithful people to Him in this life, for the Father’s glory. Amen

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