I will walk every day trusting in the Lord, because He is my helper, who keeps me in my entrance and in my exit. God is the one who will sustain us in the most difficult moments of our lives.
“He is my light and my salvation and I have nothing to fear” said the Psalmist David. It is good that we understand that God is with us as a mighty giant, He is the one who sustains the afflicted of heart. God is the one who gives us the strength so that we can hope in Him.
I would have lost heart, unless I had believed
That I would see the goodness of the Lord
In the land of the living.
Psalm 27:13
God is righteous, and has compassion on the afflicted, so we must believe in Him, believe confidently that His goodness and mercy will be with us every day of our lives.
One thing happens and is that when we get closer to Him, the more confidence we will have and we will know of His great truth and power, and we will be patient and wait on Him, because He will be our guide, and His truth will be in our hearts.
The psalmist David, every day he had more and more confidence in the Lord, because he knew that he could trust only in God, because only He could help him, and that if He promised He would fulfill, this was the reason why his trust was placed in the Lord.
Wait on the Lord;
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the Lord!
Psalm 27:14
It is good that every day we cling to that unshakable faith, that we believe in the Lord no matter the trials, difficulties, afflictions, that come into our lives. God will help us endure all the trials, He will sustain us in bad times, as the Scriptures says in Psalm 23: 1 The Lord is my shepherd; nothing will be missing. We believe in Him and we wait for the Lord, because He will arrive on time.