Bold as a lion

It is good that we always have faith and trust and we believe the one who called us, the one who can do everything possible. God sovereign, King of kings and Lord of lords.

For God nothing is impossible, our trust must always be deposited in Him, for when the evil one comes to harass us we are prepared and trusting in the Almighty.

The wicked flee though no one pursues,
but the righteous are as bold as a lion.

Proverbs 28:1

The lion has 15 characteristics which identifies it as the king of the jungle. We will highlight the number 4:

The roar of the lion is the most sonorous of the feline family. The roar of an adult lion can be heard 8 kilometers away and uses it to communicate the position of one herd to the others.

With this we are clear that our trust must be in the hands of God, because He cares for us and protects us from every plan of the enemy.

We can see that the one who is out of the way God is always distrustful, and is always aware that something can happen to him in the trajectory of his path. Besides that he is sometimes worried about lack of food or other things.

The lack of trust is always something that happens to us when we do not have Christ, and when we do not have Christ we are insecure because the enemy will attack us and will continue looking for the way to make our life impossible.

He is always attentive to give us a bad footprint to point us and thus attack us with all his plan, and make us understand that we are worthless and that we will never have anything, that everything will be impossible for us, and will also look for a way to make us understand that there is not a just and faithful God who can help us and who can defend us from every adversary and that we can trust in Him.

But anyone who knows that there is a God is always confident like a lion, no matter what crisis he is going through, he just raises his hands and thanks God almighty. That is why it is necessary that our lives be deposited in the hands of the Creator of all things, He is our shelter and our helper, He is in the difficult moments and even in the good moments leaving us said that He is with us all the time.

Repentance of Peter
The sadness will turn into joy

3 comments on “Bold as a lion

  1. As bold as a lion
    The confidence that the people of God have in the sovereignty and the power of the Lord God makes them live with peace inside of their souls. They know that their heavenly Father takes care of them, and that nothing will happen in their lives but those things He allows to happen to them.

    In a life of faith, submission to God, and trust in his almighty power, the children of God can act in boldness in just causes, pursuing other people’s welfare and the glory of their Lord.

    Not in such a way can wicked people act: they only seek their own profit and pleasure.
    Wicked people fall into the pit into which they fear to fall; and they are sometimes full of fear without any cause because they lack God’s protection.

    This is what the proverb says:
    “The wicked flee though no one pursues,
    but the righteous are as bold as a lion.”
    Proverbs 28:1

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