We do not believe in what modern psychology says that man is the most important thing in creation and that everything that exists is to satisfy his needs, rather, we see man from the point of view that he is a being that has disobeyed God, who is totally depraved and who is undeserving of all God’s grace. But, regardless of this, our God has decided to look at us and remember us.
We have read the story of Job, a rather painful story, since he was a man who had to go through very painful situations in life, although at the end of them God gave him peace. But, in this story there are some very important questions that Job asks of God. Let’s see:
17 What is mankind that you make so much of them, that you give them so much attention,
18 that you examine them every morning and test them every moment?
Job 7:17-18
Although we do not deserve to be important for the Creator and we do not deserve any kind of grace about us, He has decided to love us, and shows His eternal love every morning, every day, with the rain, with the sun, with food and with the people that are around us. We are extremely privileged that someone so powerful and unique will visit us every morning.
Can you imagine how great God is? God is our friend and we are very small before Him. It is like making the simple comparison that an elephant has a friend as an ant, the ant is very tiny in front of the elephant, so we are as children before God, however , despite how small we are, God never forgets us, but every day He is thinking about His creation.
We have the greatest privilege we can have: “God loves us and thinks of us”. God is not a careless creator, He is not a creator who forgets the created, but He is a creator who lives thinking about the well-being of His creation.
Man does not think the same as God, because many times when we are betrayed we turn to abandon others, but God has not done that with us and that is why Job asks: What is mankind that you make so much of them, that you give them so much attention? Let us give glory to God for this joy that has been granted to us.