Let us not become weary in doing good

“Do good”, how can we do this in the midst of a society surrounded by evil? This in a certain way has become complicated, by the way many people show up, by the skills they want to use in front of others to take advantage of their condition, but, as Christians, how should we act in the face of this reality? ? Should we forget to do good because of the evil we find even within the church? Let us see what the Bible tells us about this.

The apostle Paul writes to the church in Galatia and in chapter six of his letter he writes practically about how we should be kind to our brothers in the faith, about how we have to reach out to our brothers, consider ourselves, since we are in the same way in the condition of humans.

If we understand our human part perfectly we would not have problems with doing good to others, since we all tend to make mistakes, but how can we stop making mistakes? We are human, and that makes us vulnerable to doing inappropriate things.

Paul told the Galatians:

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up

Gálatas 6:9

“Let us not become weary in doing good”, in the midst of everything we see on a day-to-day basis we must have this phrase very much in our hearts. In the midst of all the weaknesses that we see, in the midst of our brothers of faith and their way of behaving, we must strongly consider what the apostle Paul said. That is, doing good is not about paying well for good, it is not about having favoritism with those people that we believe are more apt, doing good is a grace that we should use with “everyone”.

Another thing that should encourage us to do good is that at the time of God, we will reap what we have planted. I say like Paul: “Do not get weary in doing good”, do not look at the bad things of others, just look at the wonderful character of God, who loves us without us having loved Him.

Let us do good with all the people we can and above all with our brothers in the faith, because someday we will receive a reward for it.

The mercy of God
The Gadarene demoniac