After having brought them out of Egypt, the people were no longer under the captivity of Pharaoh, also many of the people rebelled against the laws of God and for that reason the punishment came to them.
The verse that we will see in this article speaks of the anguish they experienced when they were lost in the desert due to their disobedience, they wandered in that desert without being able to find the way to what God had promised them.
Behold, God decided to have mercy and show them the way, to free them from that anguish that they suffered day after day.
It is good to be able to recognize that God is God, that without Him we can do nothing, because look what happened to this people when they cried out to the Lord in the desert:
Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses.
Psalm 107:6
This passage teaches us that when we do not obey the Lord and his statutes, then we lose ourselves just like this town that lasted so long lost. This is the life of sinful man.
The people went through this process because of their hard hearts, for not respecting the laws, for not listening to a leader appointed by God to direct them towards a land where they would have peace and have the best food.
Man must obey the Lord and leave his pride behind, because this bad deed can lead him to perdition. God speaks and left us a mandate to be obedient. So, if we attend to this call we will be taken out of affliction.