Let us trust in the Lord every day, if His grace and mercy are with us, then we have nothing to worry about, only living under the divine will of our God. He is with us and if He is with us and we are obedient to Him, everything will be possible in our lives.
We must recognize the God who gives us the grace we need and that peace we feel and that runs throughout our interior. Let us glorify our God because He is great and His infinite love sustains us every day.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
Colossians 3:16
It is very clear what verse 16 of chapter 3 of Colossians tells us, that Christ should dwell in us and that His word should also be in abundance in our hearts, and above we should to sing to the Lord hymns and spiritual songs. If His Word remains in our hearts, we can defend ourselves from the enemy when he comes against us.
Let us be wise in the Lord, also encouraging in the Lord those weak in the faith, so that they can praise and be lifted up in the name of the Lord.
And let us not forget that the grace and presence of God will not leave us alone. He says in His Word that His Holy Spirit will be with us every day until the end. Do you believe this?.