In order to be a follower of Christ, or rather, a disciple, I must have love with others just as Christ himself has said.
Being a disciple of Christ entails a huge sacrifice, since there are many things you have to leave, as well as learn many from Him. But the key to everything is in the following Bible verse:
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
John 13:35
Everyone who understands to be a disciple of Christ will walk like Him, will dress like Him, will speak like Him, and His love will be visible in every one of the things He does.
The love of God is remarkable, that grace that never ends. This is because we are disciples of Jesus, He commands us to treat our neighbor with love. We must have meekness, patience, and mercy with others, feeding the hungry, dressing the one who has no clothes. This is also a mandate that Jesus left for us to do day after day.
The Master did all this in front of His disciples so that they would learn, so that they would see that He had not selected them only to walk behind Him, but so that they also practice each of these teachings that He left them.
It was not an easy task for the disciples to leave everything to be a disciple of Christ. An example is Matthew who was a tax collector, and left it to follow Jesus.
For this tax collector it was difficult after having had everything, suddenly having nothing, since he abandoned everything to follow Jesus and be a disciple, to be a different person than he was before.
But Matthew was transformed into a person with love, mercy, kindness, and who followed the statutes of Christ, learning all that the Master left in His path when He walked through the villages.
If we want to be followers of Christ, then we must have each one of the characteristics that the Lord Himself left us in His words, leave hatred and love all others.