He does great things that we do not understand

A wonderful, powerful, majestic God who controls all things. He does things that we do not understand, but that someday we will can understand why the Lord did it that way.

I will give you an example of what people want and ask, they tell the Lord “I want a car or a house”. Actually it is not bad, the problem is that they ask, without patience and with exigency. He is the one who controls everything and therefore we should not give orders to God as if He were our servant, the good thing is to ask and wait because He does as He wants and when he wants.

God thundereth marvellously with his voice; great things doeth he, which we cannot comprehend.

Job 37:5

God is good to each one of us, Job had such a great trial that he lost everything, but he did not deny the power of God, nor did reject him, but he adored His name and believed in Him as He went thhrough his great trial.

The works done by His hands demonstrate His power, nature and everything that was created by Him praises Him at all times, so we must cry out to the Lord, give glory only to Him.

For he saith to the snow, Be thou on the earth; likewise to the small rain, and to the great rain of his strength.

Job 37:6

Just as everything has been created by Him, He has authority over all things, and even nature obeys Him, because He is God.

He sealeth up the hand of every man; that all men may know his work.

Job 37:7

If we breathe it is because it has pleased Him, if we walk it is because He has mercy on us every day, because His words say that His mercies are new every day. For this fact let us give thanks to God and let us hope in Him, because He knows when and why He will continue to do things we do not understand.

How to enter the kingdom of God
His mercies are new every morning