Let no one seek his own

It is good that everything we do be for the glory and honor of God, that we do not glory ourselves in what we do, but that we give thanks to God for allowing us to live and see the day to day. And this is because we know that many people go to bed, but they do not get up because their time has come for them to leave this world.

We can say that many people seek to do their own good by doing things that are not pleasing to the Lord, and with this they make others feel bad, by their way of acting and without thinking about the consequences that could bring to their lives.

All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.

1 Corinthians 10:23

As the first letter of the apostle Paul says to the Corinthians in its 10th chapter, Paul speaks about the things we do, that we see well and that we see how they satisfy our bodies, but that are not pleasing in the eyes of God.

Ii is good to ask God for direction for everything we do, because He knows what is best for us, He knows what will hurt us and what will not hurt us. God knows all things.

The things that we do, that do not edify, but damage our spirit, make us glory and that we put God as the last of our plans, but it is not good that we forget that God is the one who knows what is good or bad for our lives.

Let no man seek his own, but every man another’s wealth.

1 Corinthians 10:24

When we ask God for something and He does not give it to us, it is because He knows that it does not suit us, sometimes we attack God saying, “Lord, why do not you give me what I ask of you?” But it is good that you understand, that God does not want the bad things for His sons, but that His son can enjoy the good that the Father will give in His time. Let us not despair, let us pray in the name of the Lord, be patient, and give thanks to God for everything.

The vanity of money
The Word of God is encouragement to our spirit