The Lord bless you and keep you

The promises of the Lord are always up, they never fall because God does not lie, He keeps His true and faithful word. Remember that He is God and keeps His promises above all obstacles.

God’s blessings will never end, but they also bring salvation, but this happens because we trust Him, because we know that He never fails. God is real, and so real is all that He promises.

The Lord bless you and keep you;

Numbers 6:24

God speaks to Moses, so that Moses speaks with Aaron and His children, telling him that he would bless the children of Israel. The people of Israel sometimes when God spoke to them, they did not believe what God was saying.

The people of Israel, despite all the wonders that God did with each one of them, followed with doubt, that what God had promised it would not be fulfilled. This was because they wanted what was promised immediately, but remember that it is not when we want but when God sees that it is His will.

The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;

Numbers 6:25

These were the words that Moses declared for his people: “The Lord bless you, and keep you”; These are powerful words that came out of the mouth of Moses to his people, day after day they saw the sun rise and hide before their eyes, leaving us to say that His mercy was with them every day, all these words declared were fulfilled by God at His time.

The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

Numbers 6:26

God gave them peace in each of the battles that were presented to the people, He gave them the victory, their enemies never won, but they died or retreated, so it is good that we wait for God’s time, that we be obedient, peaceful, that when we ask for something we know how to wait so that we can be saved and receive what we have asked from the Lord.

Persevering in the trials and difficulties
All things are possible to that who believeth