My shield is in God

Saying “my shield is in God” is a great declaration of faith, because with this we are saying that our whole life depends on God, that we hide our weakness under His strength and that we rest completely in His love and mercy.

The Bible says:

My shield is God Most High,
who saves the upright in heart.

Psalm 7:10

The people of Israel on their pilgrimage always had a terrible problem, and they preferred to rest in Egypt or on the councils of this world, when they were supposed to put God before them and understand that their strength and care came from from the powerful hand of our Creator.

Many times we find ourselves involved in problems and difficulties and we resort to the wrong, seeking shelter in other arms that are not those of our Creator. In the Bible we find countless times when God saved His people, delivered them from other peoples who were stronger than them, performed miracles and feats in front of all their enemies. Is there better care than that of our Lord? He also guards us from evil and we can pronounce together with King David: “My shield is in God”.

Do you feel in trouble and think you’re not going to get out of there? Run to God, shed your tears before Him, pour your heart before His presence, hold on to Him and believe with all your heart that He keeps the uprights in heart.

His words are infallible
The works and the word of God