Jesus Christ was the one who started by taking on his shoulders a heavy cross, carrying our sins on Him, carrying that burden so heavy that it was impossible for us to carry. Through carrying that cross He broke down that wall that man built in Eden, which separated us from God. Praise be our Lord, who endured all the reproach for our transgressions.
Jesus’ love for his creatures was not based on how good we were or how many good works we possessed, his love was beyond what we can think. The heavy death of Christ on the cross is impressive, since it is so difficult for us to love our enemies, those who harm us, those who do not help us at the time we need them, however, Jesus carried that heavy cross for people who loved sin, for haters of the truth, for a totally depraved man. Is not this glorious? Yes, it is the most incredible news ever heard before. Christ gave his life for sinful men, who did not deserve forgiveness.
That cross does not stop at the scene of the Calvary, where its second blood was spilled, oh yes, precious blood spilled, where the nails were placed in his beautiful hands, where to one voice all the audience exclaimed: “crucify him!”, where at that moment a new curtain opened in history, the most moving moment in the history of mankind, where the righteous gave his life for sinners, where the innocent was treated as guilty, where the Saint was treated like a criminal. No! That cross does not stop at that majestic moment, but we must also continue to carry the cross of Christ, because our own Master Jesus Christ said: