God, for His immense mercy, has called us and has not only called us but has brought us to His ways and we rejoice in it, because people like us, sinners, ungodly, we were led by all kinds of immorality, however, that sin that we used to love, now we hate it. The question is why? The only reason is that God loves us and that love produces holiness in us.
In the Bible there are different promises for us as a people of God, and it is very important that we know what those promises are. Today we are going to talk about the greater promise that the scriptures offer us: “Eternity”. God has promised us eternal life through His Son Jesus Christ, and that is precisely why we find in the Scriptures: “For God so loved the world, so that everyone who believes in Him may not be lost, but may have life eternal “(John 3:16). We have that promise and it is the divine seal that we are saved from hell and sin.
Now, do we believe that we have eternal life but do not live for the eternity? This would be a huge mistake, because if we say that we are saved by God then we must live for the eternity, we have to do eternal things, we can not live life wasting time on things that God does not like, we can not allow the entertainment end with us, soap operas, videogames, movies, etc. We must first have the heavenly things and in this way we will have a spiritually prosperous life in the Lord.