Brotherly love and hospitality

In our Bibles the word “brotherly” comes from the word “philadelphia” which is the word that is used as a feeling of affection and trust that is proper among brothers of the same blood. We already know what the word “fraternal” means, then, starting from this definition, let’s go to the Bible:

1 Let brotherly love continue.

2 Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.

3 Remember the prisoners as if chained with them—those who are mistreated—since you yourselves are in the body also.

Hebrews 13:1-3

With the first thing that the author of the Hebrews begins with is the small phrase: “Let fraternal love continue”. It is a direct order from the author of this book, telling us that we must let brotherly love continue. That bond that exists between blood brothers, must also be latent with people who do not have our blood, we must love with that same love, feel that affection for others, that love so dear to give our lives for others. Remember that there was not and will not be a greater love than that of our Savior, who offered His life as a living holocaust for our sins.

In the second verse he talks about hospitality. What is hospitality? Friendliness and attention with which a person receives and welcomes visitors or foreigners in their home or on their land. The Bible tells us about many people who hospitably received certain people, also tells us about the parable of the Good Samaritan, and that the Scriptures speak to us from beginning to end about hospitality. Recall that some men of the old testament received or hosted angels, as is the case of Lot.

It also tells us to remember the prisoners, but not only to take them into our thoughts, but to remember them as if we were prisoners together with them. Let us remember that this was a time when many brothers were imprisoned for the sake of the gospel, and the author of the Hebrews tells them to remember these people and that their love be so fraternal that they behave as if they too were prisoners.

Dear brothers, let us love one another in the love of Christ.

By their fruit you will recognize them
What good will it be to gain the whole world if you lose your soul?