I cried out to Him and He listened to me

His ears are always ready to hear the cry of His children, the Lord does not reject their prayers, but He listens to them and responds at the right time, God has control of all things.

Sometimes people say: “I cried out to the Lord, but He has not answered me”, but it is good that each day we know the will of God, He hears the prayer of the righteous and keeps him from his adversaries.

I cried out to him with my mouth;
his praise was on my tongue.

Psalm 66:17

Every day we must bless and glorify the name of God, exalt His name forever and ever, He is the one who sustains us at all times and helps us, in the most difficult moments of our lives He is there.

Our supplications should be directed with all our heart to Almighty God. There are situations in life that will lead us to cry out to God with all our hearts, and asking the Lord to listen to our prayers every day.

If I had cherished sin in my heart,
the Lord would not have listened;

Psalm 66:18

The Lord does not listen to the prayer of those who practice iniquity and who are abominable in the eyes of God, now, everyone who turns away from evil, the Lord then inclines His ears listens to them and helps them to follow God Almighty every day.

but God has surely listened
and has heard my prayer.

Salmos 66:19

That in our hearts always dwell the sincerity towards God, that everything that wants to harm our minds be removed, the enemy is always attentive and looking for the way so that we get off the good way and do the evil before God, but before this can happen, cry out to God and only glorify Him with your mouth.

The consolation of the Lord brings me joy
Fervent in spirit serving the Lord