The always victorious church

Since the founding of the church, the body of Christ has suffered extremely painful scenes, but those tense moments led the church of Christ to be a much stronger church. We as a church have a great victory from now on, and that can not be revoked, although we see millions rise up against the church of Christ, because there is a great promise that sustains us immovably and just that we will speak today.

This promise is found in the book of Matthew Chapter 16:18:

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Matthew 16:18

Throughout the years of the Christian age, the church has suffered greatly, although not all times have been suffering, but we see from the book of Acts that early the church began to suffer hardships, and that church enjoyed in middle of its great tribulations, for they knew that they had the great privilege of suffering for the cause of the sovereign Christ. Would we feel the same satisfaction for suffering for the sake of Christ?

Beloved brother, if we were suffering moments like that, we should be greatly hopeful, because we have a promise from heaven and is that the doors of Hades will not prevail against us. This is extremely glorious and indescribable, and those of us who have studied the history of the church from beginning to end, realize that this promise has been fulfilled; There is no man who has been able to stop the work of Christ in his Church, nor taking us to the gallows, nor crucifyig us, nor whipping us, nor killing us, there is no way to stop us, but the more we are oppressed the more we multiply, the more the Word of God grows.

And all this is not because we have been very strong or we have had a lot of courage, it is due to the work of Christ completed on the cross and to His great promise that He would be with us until the end.

So, let us feel privileged to belong to the most important organization in the universe and at the same time let us feel greatly hopeful that despite the trials and difficulties God will not allow the enemy to defeat us.

Fixing our eyes on Jesus
Be strong and of a good courage