Crooked and strange is the way of the wicked man

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Every man who is not upright before the Lord has a crooked way and a wicked mind, and is not pleasing in the eyes of the Lord God Almighty.

Man knows that if his way is crooked before God, then he is already guilty before the Lord, because his heart will lead him to do terrible things, and behold, the eyes of the Lord are upon strangers and upon those of wicked mind.

The wicked man is not righteous nor does he practice justice, as his heart is only focused on committing injustice towards others. They are people of wicked mind and crooked heart.

Chapter 21, verse 8, tells us in Proverbs about men with crooked minds and a path full of injustice before God:

The way of man is froward and strange: but as for the pure, his work is right.

Proverbs 21:8

Those whose hearts are turned aside have the eyes of the Lord upon them, and judgment will fall upon them like a cloud; it will overtake them because they provoked the judgment of the Lord with their wicked deeds before the Most High God.

Just as in ancient times, there were many who were unjust, but these injustices did not last long, because God always came to the aid of those in need. It is good that we trust in the Lord, because even though we see the injustices of wicked man, God is the one who ultimately does justice.

This is what God will do to those who are outside
The house of the righteous will stand firm

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