The house of the righteous will stand firm

God’s justice will always be for the righteous, for those who faithfully believe and trust that God is the one who will sustain them.

While the house of the righteous will stand firm, the wicked will be turned upside down by God because their thoughts continually turn to evil. They have no root in justice and will be overthrown.

Next, we will see what wisdom teaches about the righteous and their house, and what will happen to the wicked.

The wicked are overthrown, and are not: but the house of the righteous shall stand.

Proverbs 12:7

Why will the house of the righteous stand? Because they trust in the Lord and in His power. All their trust is placed in Him, their entire family remains under the divine will of the almighty God.

And everyone who follows the path of goodness under wisdom will not suffer the consequences that the wicked will suffer.

Don’t you want to be one of those upon whom God’s judgment will fall? Then continue with wisdom in the way of the Lord, because the righteous and their household will stand firm and the judgment that will fall on the wicked will not overtake them.

Crooked and strange is the way of the wicked man
Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions

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