The path of the righteous is increasing

How good it is when we read such encouraging words and hear words of wisdom; this is our hope. The righteous will always shine, and even though there is darkness on his path, he will not be lost because his light will illuminate him.

The way of the wicked is always full of darkness; however, the way of the righteous increases its brightness like the dawn, they gain wisdom and achieve every purpose they have in their hearts.

That is why we see in this verse what Solomon expressed. In addition, we are presented with the example of the life of the wicked and that of the righteous, which have a different end. Proverbs 4:18 tells us the following:

But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.

Proverbs 4:18

The path of the wicked is dark, gloomy and dangerous, as their thoughts are being obscured by the enemy, who through them seeks to carry out his plans against the righteous. But we must remember that the path of the righteous is in the hands of God.

It is comforting to know that we have our living hope, and that if today we are light it is because our Lord has illuminated our paths. We will be like the light of dawn that increases day by day until the day is perfect. This is the path of the righteous that Solomon speaks of in verse 18, so keep that brightness and hope that you carry and do not let it go.

Calamity will suddenly fall on the evil one
For yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more

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