The salvation of the righteous is of the Lord

The psalm we will look at in this article was written by the psalmist David, and refers to the salvation of the righteous, which comes from the Lord, our God who is our shield and strength in the midst of anguish.

Although at the beginning of this chapter we see that it speaks to us about the injustices of the wicked, the psalmist tells us that we should not be impatient because of the wicked man, and that despite what we go through, we should continue to trust in the salvation that comes from God.

In your most difficult moments, God will be your savior, your support and your help, that is, He will always be there to help you, and these are the words that the psalmist said in this psalm because all his trust rested in the Lord.

But the salvation of the righteous is of the Lord: he is their strength in the time of trouble.

Psalm 37:39

And if God is my salvation, then you should not fear anything, because He will cover you from every evil man. The unjust despair, act and fail, but you who believe in your Savior, then stand firm because He who has called you is with you as a powerful giant.

God is your salvation, do not fear or be dismayed because even if you are in anguish, God will come and help you in your difficult time. The psalmist could see his adversaries every day, but he did not fear them because he knew that his protection came from the Lord. Trust and do not stop, do not be impatient because God is your Savior.

Evil will kill the wicked, and those who hate the righteous will be condemned
All those who cause a stumbling block will be thrown into the furnace of fire

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