Patience is needed to get the promise

Brothers in Christ abide in the work of the Lord, it is necessary to have patience in all our ways, because if we do so, we will be able to achieve the promise made by our Lord.

Knowing this, let us continue the career that the Lord has entrusted to us. The apostle Paul talks about those who do the will of the Lord. He exhorts them to be patient, since in this way we will be able to resist all trials and struggles in our journey.

In the following verse we can see that Paul saw that those Christians were at risk of losing their faith and trust in Jesus, and that is why the apostle tells them the following:

For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.

Hebrews 10:36

It was evident how encouraging Paul was being with these Christians, that is why he calls them to be patient so that they can be calm, so that through that patience they could reach the promise of our Lord.

Today we can also notice this risk of losing trust and we can also see how many Christians fail, that is why we must heed this call from our beloved Paul. Dear brothers in faith, let us continue using that shield given by our God, let us continue in God’s work with our enormous faith so that one day our promise may come into our lives.

All those who cause a stumbling block will be thrown into the furnace of fire
He who walks in integrity will be saved

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