He who walks in integrity will be saved

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Chapter 28 verse 18 of the book of proverbs shows us what will happen to him who walks in integrity. If you walk in integrity, you will be saved. However, we can say that this verse does not refer to eternal salvation, but rather to being saved from a situation or calamity.

This verse also refers to the man with a wicked heart. We know well that the man with an impure heart will be punished by God. His way will bring calamities and they will not be saved; They will fall into mistakes day after day.

This chapter teaches us that every man who walks in integrity will bring blessings and will be saved from difficult situations and from falling into calamities.

Whoso walketh uprightly shall be saved: but he that is perverse in his ways shall fall at once.

Proverbs 28:18

A perverse man of bad conduct practices evil and becomes an impure person. Everything he does will not prosper because his heart and mind are far from good. No blessing will come to him nor will he be saved from the calamities that will soon come to his life.

It is clear, and as this chapter 28 of Proverbs explains, all the good that man can have when he acts with good behavior before the Lord. God will be your protection and shield, you will be delivered from all calamity. So, brothers in Christ, let us continue in integrity and we will be benefited by the goodness and mercy of God.

Patience is needed to get the promise
The wicked borrows, and DOES NOT PAY

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