Save me according to Your mercy

In this supplication of the psalmist David to God, which was direct and simple, the psalmist asks God for help because his enemies were attacking him and there were many who joined in. However, this man did it under the mercy of the Lord and not according to his own criteria.

For David, it was very important that the wicked know that their help came from the Lord and that with God as omnipotent and powerful, nothing could affect him.

We can clearly see that the Lord’s help comes to those who serve Him, as He comes to them and protects them with His mercy and power, as has been the case of the psalmist when he has needed God’s help.

Help me, O Lord my God: O save me according to thy mercy.

Psalm 109:26

It is good that we always ask God according to His mercy. God can save us from enemy hands; He is our refuge and our salvation, because only to Him can we turn to be rescued. However, the wicked, no matter how much they see God’s rescue, will not accept it because his hearts are set only on doing evil. They will be punished.

Dear fellow believers in the Lord, if you are facing problems or they rise up against you to overthrow you, go before the Lord in supplication and ask Him to have mercy on your enemies. Only our God can rescue us and give us salvation, because in Him we can be safe.

For the perverse person is an abomination to the Lord
Turn us back to You, O Lord

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