This is the hope of everyone who is just and follows the ways of the Lord, this is the greatest hope of the poor, the humble of heart. That is why our trust must be placed in the One who brings down our adversaries.
The verse that we will see in this article are the faithful words of the Lord for that man whose heart is always willing to follow the path and justice of God.
A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
Psalm 91:7
In the previous words we can notice the security and shield that the Lord is for those who follow him.
The psalmist shows in this psalm that in God we are safe, and there is no probability of being hit by the attacks of our enemy, because our God and savior keeps us.
Sometimes certain weaknesses come that make us unprotected and by His mercy we are rescued and for that reason we are not harmed.
God is our refuge, trust Him, believe in these words of the psalmist. The Lord is your hope.