He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son

Dear friend, are you ready to hear what the Lord will give to everyone who overcomes to the end? For the same God will be your God and you will be his son, and you will dwell with Him for all eternity. Isn’t this good?

It is important to understand that, to receive this promise, we must remain firm under God’s divine will. We must all follow Him and overcome to the end, since these are the words that God said to John.

Many were killed for the cause of Christ, beheaded for not rejecting the Lord. However, those who died for his cause will receive the crown of eternal life and will be children of God.

In chapter 21:7, John makes it clear that we must all go through great adversity and persecution in order to achieve our salvation.

He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

Revelation 21:7

Do you want to be one of those who will receive these great promises? If you are not firm, it is time for you to follow the Lord, the one who gave his life for you on the cross of Calvary.

Because one day death will come into your life, or it may be the day of the rapture, where all those who stand before the Lord will arise and receive the new earth and the new heaven. There will be no more sadness or pain, Christ will be with them.

Do not wait for this moment to pass, come and establish yourself in the Lord, because anyone who is not in his ways will not be able to be an heir and will be rejected by the Lord, since he never sought Him. God bless you.

Those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ will suffer the penalty of eternal damnation
The Lord will laugh at the wicked

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