Long life and salvation are granted to those who live in the shelter of the Most High

The righteous are those who walk before the Lord and follow His ways, proclaim His divine will. This is why they are granted long life and salvation, because they obey the Lord more than anything else.

We can affirm that this is the promise of the Lord for those who obey him and love him. God promises to care for them and bless them, and that is why they have placed their love in the Lord, demonstrating that they can fully trust Him because they have witnessed his great faithfulness.

These words are not spoken by the Lord’s people, but are spoken by the Lord to his people. And this is what Psalm 91 tells us in verse 16:

With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation

Psalm 91:16

The almighty God will satisfy their lives with long life, bless them and show salvation to all His people who trust in Him. They dwell under the shadow of the Most High, they call to Him and He responds, watching over them in their walk both day and night .

In the midst of darkness, He turns on a light and makes it shine so that they can walk safely. This is our great and powerful God who loves his people. This is man’s commitment to God: to carry his word and be obedient in all his ways.

If we follow His words, we will receive His promise and we will be cared for by the Lord, who will be our God and we will dwell under His shadow, because He is the Most High.

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