Forsake me not, O Lord

As children of God, we sometimes face very difficult situations and come to think that He is not near us. Even in our desperation, some sin against God. That is why it is crucial to believe in Him and keep His word, for He always accompanies us and never abandons us.

In this passage, the psalmist David highlights the wrong actions he committed, recognizing and humbling himself before the almighty God.

This psalm teaches us valuable lessons. Although David could be at peace, he always presented supplications before the Lord, expressing gratitude and asking that He guide his steps daily.

“Do not turn away from me, do not forsake me!” These are the words of a man who believes that the Lord will always come to his aid.

Forsake me not, O Lord: O my God, be not far from me.

Psalms 38:21

Trust in the Lord gives us hope to move forward, overcoming thoughts that make us doubt His protection. God is always by our side, and His power sustains us.

In our prayers, we can talk with our Lord, asking for His daily help and pleading that He does not turn away from us, that He does not abandon us. Our help comes from Him. Brothers and friends who read this article, cling to the Lord and ask Him to remain close, not to abandon you.

Whoever does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema
Don't be like the adulterous woman

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