Look at my affliction that I suffer, have mercy on me

Who else can know our struggles and afflictions, if not our God? In this article we will talk about that psalmist who did not care about the circumstance in which he will find himself, he could praise the name of the Lord without fear of anything.

In those moments that arise in our lives, it is that we must turn to our God and be able to say, like the psalmist David, “look at my affliction, take care of me and have mercy on me”. We must always believe that the help of our God towards us will come. You just have to pray to Him and He will help you.

There are many reasons why this man praised the name of the Lord, an upright man with a humbled heart before God. He always directed supplications and praises to God. In the next verse we can notice something very important. Let’s see:

Have mercy upon me, O Lord; consider my trouble which I suffer of them that hate me, thou that liftest me up from the gates of death.

Psalm 9:13

It is noteworthy that this was not a “I give you praise and you take care of me”, well no, but rather that God’s mercy could reach God’s people and the psalmist.

The psalmist understood that God would remember those moments of afflictions that the people could experience, but he also mentions that God also remembered the difficult moments and his supplications.

It is good to keep in mind that we will call on Him with our prayers, He will listen to us and help us. Only He will get us out of our most difficult moment. So he believes and God will come to your aid.

I spread out my hands to You
Escape from being thrown into the lake of fire

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