Escape from being thrown into the lake of fire

Following Christ is one of the best decisions that human beings must make, ensuring His life in Jesus which shows us that only in Him can we achieve eternal life, just as He has promised. Soon every eye will see that great day.

The Word of our God is very clear, staying in the ways of the Lord is very difficult, that is why Jesus left his Holy Spirit to guide us and give us strength in difficult moments, so what will happen to those who They still don’t know the Lord and live their life as they want thinking that after death there is nothing else?

That is why in the following verse of Revelation he tells us about what will happen to those who live as they want outside the ways of the Lord:

And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Revelation 20:15

The book of Revelation is a book where we can appreciate the great signs that the Lord has sent through our beloved brother John so that we can understand about the difficult times that come every day for the children of God.

And that is why we must pay close attention about these words that are faithful and true. The Lord asks us to ensure that our names are inscribed in the book of life, because there will come a day when we will be called by our names and if you do not appear there, then you will be thrown into the lake of fire and there will be the crying and crunching of teeth.

Look at my affliction that I suffer, have mercy on me
The time is near (part 2)

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