Our salvation is closer

Due to how times go, where the gospel of Christ becomes more and more difficult for every believer, it is important that we submit to our Lord every day.

Just as time is running out, this also gives us a sign that the arrival of our Lord is getting closer every day.

In this letter from Paul, he clearly informs us that the duty of a Christian is to walk correctly before God, gain new strength, rise from the sleep of the flesh, and rest with God.

Let us be prepared and attentive, let us not be sleeping in a deep sleep like those who forget the return of the One who defeated sin and death.

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

Romans 13:11

Paul warns us something important about the return of the Lord saying that it is time, that is, the Lord does not delay His return, let us be attentive brothers before these great signs, before this important warning, let us be extremely prepared.

Brethren, let us believe these words of Paul, because now our salvation is closer to us. God is our strength and salvation, so let us be prepared to continue walking in the straight path of the Lord.

Do you have faith?
Judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy

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