Abstain from this

In chapter five of Paul’s first letter speaking to the Thessalonians, he exhorts them on various topics such as prayer, joy, being thankful, among others.

From verse twelve to twenty-two Paul makes several recommendations so that they would be prepared for the coming of the Lord. One of those recommendations is the following:

Abstain from all appearance of evil.

1 Thessalonians 5:22

Let us beware and be on our guard, for we all know that the enemy’s actions are to break us from what we possess from the Lord, from rejoicing with those who do the mighty work of our Lord.

That is why we see this great exhortation to recognize those who work in the work of the Lord (V12), those who direct the work of the Lord and admonish those who need admonition.

When we see a brother doing the mighty work of God, doing what is good before the Lord, we should rejoice greatly and hold him in high esteem. These are the words the apostle speaks.

It is notable that Paul wanted to leave a good union among his brothers in the faith, that is why we see his good wishes in The Peace of the Lord, asking us to encourage anyone who is of little encouragement so that he may continue.

So, let us always remember the verse we have just seen in this article, let us seek to keep away all kinds of evil, in the name of Jesus amen.

The day Martin Luther nailed the 95 theses
In this way we must serve

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