In this way we must serve

We must serve with good will, work as good workers under good conduct and with love as if it were for the Lord.

We must respect and give our best in our work, with this we give an example that we serve a God who gives us strength and in this way we demonstrate His example and love.

Verse 5 of chapter 6 of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he calls servants to obey their earthly masters with fear and trembling, and with great will, as for Christ:

With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men:

Ephesians 6:7

This chapter clearly tells us about obedience, that if we are obedient, whether we are servants or free, we serve not to please men, but from the heart, doing the will of God, so that we receive the blessings of our Lord.

But we can also note what the author recommends to the masters, that they also do the same with their servants, that they treat them with love, that they see their rectitude, their honesty and their willingness to work.

Brothers, let us also act of good will, just as the apostle Paul recommends, let us be good servants in what we do, let us show that we are children of God. God is pleased with these things, so let us serve in that way.

Abstain from this
Pastor used to bath with clothes so as not to lose his salvation

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