This we know

Through the words written in chapter 5 of the letter of John, we know that through our Lord we have eternal life (1 John 5:13), and this is the true knowledge, but this world is plunged into the darkness of the evil one .

John exhorts his brothers to follow the good path, to believe faithfully in the name of the Lord, in the knowledge of the truth, of the eternal life that comes from Him.

John exhorted them not to stop believing in the Lord, so that they would not lose hope at any time, since the time would come when they would be forced to deny the name of the Lord.

This we know, that we belong to the Lord and the world is under the evil one:

And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.

1 John 5:19

Did John write this prophetically? We ask this question because this verse faithfully describes the current scenario, because today more than ever the world is immersed in sin, calling evil good and good evil, condemning those who do good.

But there is very good news and that is that if we belong to God, we will be protected, we will be strengthened by the powerful hands of the Lord. God is and will be our sustenance.

Believe and trust, do not lose hope, let us meditate on these good exhortations of John to his brothers so that they we be built and strengthened. Let us not doubt, let us not stop believing that in Christ we have eternal life.

In this way we must serve
For this you should give thanks unto the Lord

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