In dry and arid land God deposits His rain

We as children of God receive rich and abundant blessings from Him, but we also sometimes neglect our spiritual lives so much that we gradually decline, and we are no longer close to God even though God has never strayed from us.

So we must not neglect ourselves because the enemy of souls is stalking any negligence to attack you and be your accuser. But something else you can do in the midst of that problem is to humble yourself and cry out to the Lord to send strength and fill your spirit so that you can walk and advance in the struggle that faces us day by day.

Difficulties are part of our lives, let’s not fear any of these things because God is with us as a powerful giant, nothing is difficult for our God. Let us ask Him and He will not reject us and will not leave us ashamed. God is powerful.

Many ancient men suffered and were mistreated. They also had their downfall along the way, but they humbled themselves to God and asked God to strengthen them so that they could continue in the struggle that faced them day after day.

1 As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.

2 My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?

Psalm 42:1-2

We must cry out to the Lord every day because all that we are comesĀ from Him. God is our strength, our sustenance only comes from Him. We must go to Him every day.

My son, do not forget my law, and your heart keep my commandments
God vs idols

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