We are new creatures in Christ

To be new creatures in the Lord, we must do things right before Him, turn away from all that is not to His liking, and if we are children of Him, we must prove it.

The change in our lives comes from God, but something can also happen, is that everyone who comes at His feet, has to be obedient and shed everything that binds him to the deceptive world and the things that the enemy puts in order for us to be captives.

We must have a new life in Jesus Christ, and when we talk about something new, it is about leaving all the old things and doing everything that the Holy Word of God commands us.

Let’s see what the Bible tells us about these things:

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17

Here Paul speaks clearly to the Corinthians about leaving all these things, that is, being new creatures. What should we really do to become new creatures? It is not only about leaving old things, but enduring before God’s call, following the path that leads us to His presence.

And this is the call that has actually been made to us, so we must understand that in this world we will be attacked, we will be people who will have thoughts to leave the ways of God. That is why we must first of all be new people, prepared in the Lord, immersed in His Word so that when these contrary winds come, they will not take us.

So, we must be subject to the Lord with all our heart, without looking back, but we can follow the Lord and His ways.

If we have His word in our hearts, we will live well
The Lord is the one who goes with you

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