The righteous will inherit the earth

Psalm 37 is a psalm that clearly tells us about evildoers and righteous people. Here is a distinction between these two types of people.

People who like to practice injustice, are those who like to do badly to others, but who do not accept that they do the same with them, but that they ask for mercy for them.

But we can also introduce you to another type of person, he who practices justice, who looks for ways to solve the problems that are presented to him, who loves his enemy, and who does good even for his worst enemy.

The first verse of Psalm 37 begins by urging us not to despair because of the evil ones or to envy those who do bad things because the end of these will be sad. Then it continues to motivate us to do the right thing before God and teach us what will happen to the evil ones.

And so continues to make a contrast between the righteous and the evildoer and in verse 29 we find a great promise:

The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for ever.

Psalm 37:29

We must practice justice. If you see that the evildoers are prospered, do not be tempted to do what he does to be prospered on earth, because his end will be dark. Better hold on to the promise of Psalm 37:29 and practice good so that one day you can inherit the land He promised us.

The Lord is the one who goes with you
Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness

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