Ask God without despair

When you ask God remember that He arrives at the right time, not when you want, because He is the one who knows everything.

If we make decisions lightly we will sin against God. If you asked, wait on Him. God does not take time, He knows when to act, so do not set a date.

If it is God who sets the date, He will fulfill above all that He wants to oppose because He is God and you have to obey Him.

For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Matthew 7:8

Jesus speaking these things to His disciples told them these words that they are really very encouraging, that if they ask they will receive, if they seek they will find, that knocking on the door will be opened in favor of the children of God.

It is good that in all that we can seek the Lord, that we are closer to Him because if we are closer to Him, we will be better, because apart from Him we are nothing.

But also another very good part is that when we ask God we do it with peace, patience and humility of heart, since we cannot ask God to question and want Him to do what we want. God is sovereign.

It is good that we ask Him in a good way, even if you feel the most desperate, anyway God will arrive at the exact moment, He will not let us die, He will come in our help, help us and lift our spirit. Do not doubt that door will open when you knock, you will receive when you knock, and you will find when you look for it.

Let's be people of peace
Key verses of the Bible to evangelize

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1 comment on “Ask God without despair

  1. Be blessed am really blessed by your encouraging words I pray that your teaching will bring deliverance and restoration in my daily life

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