Let’s live for eternal things

The Bible tells us a lot about eternity or eternal things. Eternity is one of the great promises that the church of Christ has, knowing that although this corruptible body dies, we can resurrect one day and live forever in the abodes of the Lord. We have believed this for so many years of Christianity, but it is not just believing in eternity, it is living for eternity. What do we do to live worthy as people who will one day be with the Lord for all centuries?

First, eternal life is not something that begins in heaven, it is something that starts from the moment Christ enters our hearts:

And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

John 10:28

Jesus says: “And I give them eternal life.” Christ is not saying that He will give them eternal life, but He has already given them. Christ has given us eternal life, to all those who have confessed Him as our Lord and King, and we must live worthy as people who truly possess eternal life.

Sometimes we adjust so much to the material, to entertainment, technology, etc., that we forget that we possess eternal life, and that of possessing eternal life involves many other things, such as sanctification, time alone with the Lord, preach the gospel on time and out of time. Do we do all that? Remember that Christ has really given us eternal life.

The Bible has returned to the government the palace in Bolivia
Faith in Christ produces good works

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