Examine me, oh God, and know my heart

Let us always ask our God to examine us, and to put our lives on test before Him, because if He puts us to the test, thanks to that test we will be stronger, since we will know more and have experiences of the whole process that we go through. God through these trials will help us at all times.

Do not be afraid when we are tested by God, rather give thanks to Him, because we are tested by God. The Lord will not put a burden on us that we cannot carry, so let us trust God with all that we are.

God, it is You who know my heart, and all my way, so I ask You if I go the wrong way You help me and guide me on the best path, which leads us to salvation.

Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:

Psalm 139:23

The writer of this psalm said these words, because he wanted everything he did before God to go well, and that if he was lost in his walk, then God would help him be guide him on the right path.

This man also asked that his whole being be examined and that if there was something in his heart that was not to God’s liking, that God Himself would help him remove it.

Actually we must be tested by God because as we said before, this would help us enough since we will know more about the Lord and will teach us that when we have any difficulties we will be strong to endure those difficulties.

And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

Psalm 139:24

We must ask God to help us out of the paths that do not please to Him and show us the way of salvation and that our hearts be willing that we can receive the correction and accept God’s help.

God is great
Rejoice in the storm

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