Rejoice in the storm

Every human being who goes through this life when he or she uses reason knows what suffering, pain, loss, and tempest are, among many other words that can define the terrible process of each human. However, we as Christians must learn to have joy in the midst of all that storm, knowing that Captain Jesus is in our boat and will not let us pass out.

El apóstol Pablo nos dice que debemos estar gozosos en medio de los problemas:

Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;

Romans 12:12

In the midst of our tribulations we must be joyful because we have hope, remember that our Lord said he would return for his holy church and that is the latent hope of the church of Christ, that is the ray of light in our desert, the knowledge that Christ It comes for us.

It is important that we also understand that Paul is comforting the Romans, because that was a time where you could suffer various persecutions for preaching Christ, and Paul encourages them to enjoy themselves in the midst of all that, since they have a firm hope and in the same way we should stimulate our faith to joy, since we have the same hope as these Romans.

Beloved brother, no matter the storm, enjoy your Creator, enjoy yourself in the Lord, be persevering, be constant in prayer.

Examine me, oh God, and know my heart
Where are you looking for joy and happiness?

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