The creation under the statutes of God

The Lord is right in His ways, in the same way He leaves His Holy Word so that everyone who has not followed Him could learn from His ways and could walk His paths with righteousness. God is God and we must obey Him.

If we walk under the statutes of God, then we will learn many things that before knowing our Lord we could not dominate, nor understand. That is why, as He taught His people, He also teaches us today so that we can find salvation and eternal life.

Let us learn from the right ways of God, all His creation walk under the status of God, act with love, be obedient in all that the Lord has commanded us. Let us not be ignorant of the faithful Word that God has placed before us, but let us be wise and take the advice so that we can do well.

8 Good and upright is the Lord: therefore will he teach sinners in the way.

9 The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.

Psalm 25:8-9

Many people understand and are wise at the time of God to call upon them to walk His right paths before Him. These are very obedient and do what God commands, but others, on the contrary, do worse things and ignore everything God has asked them to do.

Why are His paths good and straight? These paths lead us directly to eternal life, which gives us peace for ever and ever.

God sees those people who do not want to walk under His statutes as disobedient people, with lack of humility. God looks at them from afar, but to those who understand His Words and carry their statutes, God looks at them closely.

The prayer of the upright is his delight
God, you are the shelter of the orphan

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