Our God has to save us

Trust in the God of our salvation, because if our trust is placed in Him, then we have nothing to worry about because He sustains and keeps us.

He is the God that when we find ourselves in difficulty, comes to our aid and helps us, that is why the psalmist David always said that God was his trust and his hope. David kept his trust in the hands of God because he knew that he could only trust in God, because man does not fulfill, but God is perfect and faithful in everything He says and promises.

Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation.

Psalm 68:19

Why should we not praise the Lord, if He is always ready to help us and save us when we walk through valleys of shadows? Even when we are in a debris He sustains us and opens our eyes so that we can see and not fall in that place.

David in Psalm 23 says some very encouraging words, saying that Jesus is his good shepherd and that he will not lack anything. But everything this man said was not a lie, because everything he said was because he had already seen the hand of God at work in his life; let’s not go any further, when he killed Goliath in the name of the Lord in that confrontation in where God gave him the victory.

That is why we must give glory and honor to the Almighty for His wonders, because He is the God of our salvation, refuge and strong castle, let us not doubt that He is our salvation.

He that is our God is the God of salvation; and unto God the Lord belong the issues from death.

Psalm 68:20

If we are under His wings there we will be more than safe, trusting Him, believing that He will deliver us from death. When we leave for a place we do not worry or fear, because God is with us, and always will be, believe in Him and do not doubt that it is from Him that our salvation comes.

His mercies are new every morning
Dead to sin

2 comments on “Our God has to save us

  1. Our God has to save us
    In this life we sometimes hear about people who are needy, without a job to earn their living. They have a family that goes through a desperate situation, caused by the fact that the husband or father lost his job a long time ago.

    That father or husband is very aware they need money to eat, to pay for the rent of their apartament, or for their washing machine instalment payment… But in this bad situation, which certainly can make people desperate, the man says to his wife: “God has to save us. He will not permit us to be abandoned in the street.”
    We know that nobody can force God to act, but he is the only one who can help desperate people.

    So that family prays to the Lord, and the man tries to get a new job. At first they ask for a loan from a family member or a friend…
    Days pass and things change for them. It is not easy to get a new job, but that man gets a job and can have their problems solved.

    Then we think: God has saved them. And it is true, because the Almighty God is merciful: he does not forsake his children.

    We can go through things like those people, but we don’t feel helpless nor lost because the Lord God knows perfectly our personal state, and he always wants to help us. He takes care of us. The psalmist said:
    “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation.”
    Psalm 68:19

    We ought to address our needs to the Lord and set our sights in heaven, where our help comes from. Although we go through a valley of shadow of death, the Lord will be with us (Psalm 23:4).

    May the Lord God be blessed

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