When we are in full need, we must turn to our God, since He is the one who can help us, can lift us and give us new strength.
Let us just put all our trust in the One who loved us before the creation. He is God, only He can set us free and save our lives, give us encouragement and help us move forward in His name which is Name over every name.
That is why it is good that every day we turn to Him, with continuous prayer, to that kind and good God, and that His mercy day after day is upon us.
My soul melteth for heaviness: strengthen thou me according unto thy word.
Psalm 119:28
Even being His Words before us we can say that they support us and show us everything we need to move forward.
It is good to seek Him not for what He does for us, nor for His wonders, but for the goodness that He is, for His mercies, because even we being evil He loved us and cares for us, restores us and sets us apart from captivity, and He put His Words before us so that day by day we know that in Him we are more than conquerors.
By studying His Words we can realize that He dwells in them because each of them were inspired by Him to the saints. When we feel strength we must resort to them.
Before going to where a person to seek refuge, go to God, He has the best Word for you. Do not trust in man because only God can strengthen you in critical moments of need, when you can no longer, God tells you: “I lift you up and give you new strength to continue forward, just trust me”.