Greater love hath no man than this

Love is such a broad topic that we have written several articles that have to do with it, at the end of this article we will leave you the links of each of those articles that we have written about love, we hope that this article will be a great blessing for your soul

9 As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.

10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love.

John 15:9-10

In the same way that the Father loved His son Jesus, so Jesus loved His disciples and here we see how Jesus exhorted them to continue in His Love. And how do you stay in His Love? Keeping His commandments as He says in verse 10. Likewise Jesus kept the commandments of His Father and abides in the love of the Father.

This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.

John 15:12

In verse 10 Jesus taught them that to remain in His Love, we must keep His commandments, but what are His commandments? The answer is in verse 12, His command is that we love one another as He has loved us.

Wherever He went, Jesus left a great lesson that provoked different reactions, because many felt bad and others practiced it, because in truth this was a great lesson. Jesus came so we can learn all these things from Him.

One of the greatest lessons was to teach His infinite love to others, so that all those who did not have love, knew that true love is in Jesus. God for His great love and mercy sent His son to die for all humanity. This is the true love of God.

13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.

John 15:13-14

What beautiful words! More than His disciples, we are His friends, for what greater love is there than someone who gives His life for His friends? He already gave His life for us and we are one step away from being His friends, and verse fourteen tells us what we need to be His friends and it is to do what He commands us.

My portion is God
Benefits of wisdom

2 comments on “Greater love hath no man than this

  1. Greater love hath no man than this
    It is a true reality that through the years many wise people have written or spoken about love: that word which is used as if it was a magic formula that seems able to solve any problem or relationship among people of different social kinds or beliefs.

    In God’s Word is the only definition of love that we can accept, far away from novels or sentimental uses of the word.
    Admittedly, the love of God for people and his creation exceed all knowledge of love; and that is why his children must adore and venerate the Lord God and his love for us.
    Goodness, patience, humility, self-denial, mercy, loving devotion, and the fact that Christ delivered himself up for his people: all those things are expressions of the chief attribute of love, the love of God.
    The love that Jesus Christ commands us to feel for our brothers must be related to and derived from such a kind of love, the love of God.

    Jesus said;
    “As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.
    If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love.” John 15:9-10

    His words echo through all the Bible; and Jesus said he has loved us as his Father loves Him. We can’t compare this love with any other love. Human love is always mixed with selfishness, while the love of God is a complete love which only looks at his people, the creation that he made. He does not take into account our failings or our sins; he is always ready to pardon; he sees us through the perfection of his beloved Son. He also corrects us and advises us against sinning deliberately, which implies abusing his love, as if treading on the blood shed for Jesus in our stead.

    We show that the love of God is in us if we love our brothers. The degree of love we feel toward God is seen in our love to brothers, and it depends on the truthfulness of it.
    All good works we can do to our brothers are of no value in the face of God if we don’t truly love our brothers.

    My the Lord God increase in us something of his perfect love so that we can please Him when we love our brothers

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