Those who sow with tears will rejoice

5 Those who sow with tears
will reap with songs of joy.

6 Those who go out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with them.

Psalm 126:5-6

Psalm 126 only consists of 6 verses, but they are enough to realize the great joy felt by the people of Israel for having enjoyed the promises of God fulfilled in them. And it is that we must rejoice in the promises that God has made us through His Word, and this must be cause for constant joy. Beloved brothers, even in the most overwhelming struggle we must rejoice in God and sing songs that glorify His most holy name.

Many scholars of the Scriptures place this gradual canticle in two possible scenarios:

1- The return of the exile of Ezra and Nehemiah

2- The return of David to his reign after the throne had been usurped by his son Absalom.

Regardless of the scenario of this glorious song, we must understand the intensity of the captivity through which the people of Israel passed, and these verses express great joy giving a touch of hope to those who have waited firmly in God.

Friends, it does not matter the tears that we have shed, the pain, the disenchantment, the process in which God has allowed you to be, we only have to firmly believe that those who sow with tears will one day reap with rejoicing.

Let us be firm, that one day those who mourn, God will wipe away their tears.

Praise for God's justice
Defeating the giant that makes you war!

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2 comments on “Those who sow with tears will rejoice

  1. Those who sow with tears will rejoice
    It is the Lord God who blesses our work, our activities here, in our life. We must act by faith trusting in the Lord, that can make us get all things needed for living in this life, like food, clothing, lodging or money for other expenses in our day-to-day situation.

    Sometimes we have problems at job, with bosses or workmates, or maybe with a roommate where we stay, with friends or other people.

    And, as we try to connect that with the verse below
    (Psalm 126: 6), we may feel pain and tears; and, in a certain way, we can sow in troubles, according to the Will of God, with the aim of doinv good to others.
    If we act honestly, the Lord will reward us with joy, and we will realize that he has done something wonderful: our troubles are changed into solutions or blessings, and even people love you.

    This will be a way to thank the Lord and rejoice us in Him, who changes minds and hearts.

    Our good behavior and love to others, although we are suffering at the moment, is like the seed. And this seed planted will one day bare the fruit of peace and reconciliation (that is, the “sheaves” that will be carried by us).

    So that could be for us—people that, in general, do not sow any actual seed nor produce any foodstuff—the meaning of the verse below:

    “Those who go out weeping,
    carrying seed to sow,
    will return with songs of joy,
    carrying sheaves with them.”
    Psalm 126:6

    The teaching is that the Lord will bless us in our afflictions and troubles if we sow good works in the middle of adversities. We must try to please our Lord at all time, doing well, looking for his glory.

    May we all look for the Glory of God in all moments. May we work in secret and he will reward us in public.

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